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Zac Harvey

Today is our first anniversary as a company, and to celebrate we’re going to look back on our first Job.

Linked Solution’s first contract was assisting with the winter overhaul package for the Scillonian Ferry, a job done in partnership with the IoS Steamship Company and Penzance Dry dock. This job saw the combined team overhaul both engines, carry out further inspections, the scheduled maintenance, and survey the hull valves.

“The Isles of Scilly Steamship Company and Penzance Dry Dock are two businesses close to my heart. My grandfather worked at the dry dock for many years, so having this job kick off Linked Solutions meant a great deal to me personally. On top of that, it’s one of the best working environments I’ve had a pleasure to be a part of, and it would be my pleasure to continue the relationship.”

- Jamie Murphy, Managing Director.

At the time Linked Solutions was a one man company with a few advisors, but since then the company has grown from strength to strength and expanded its operations. We’ve hired core staff such as a business development manager, also adding a further 4 part time staff and 19 experienced project managers and engineering contractors to our books. We can now deliver project management and engineering solutions worldwide to a wide range of industries and sectors.

Check out our website today and check out what we can do to build your future.

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